On this Tenth Anniversary of the September 11 tragedy the need to
inspire and educate our young people about the law and constitutional
freedoms has never been greater. One hour of your time will have a
lasting impact in the life of a high school student.
Dialogues on Freedom commemorates the events of September 11th by sending judges and attorneys to Los Angeles area high school classrooms to lead interactive discussions on the meaning of freedom and how we can balance freedom and security.
This annual program is sponsored by Los Angeles County Bar Association in cooperation with the Los Angeles Unified School District and Los Angeles Superior Court.
Dialogues on Freedom commemorates the events of September 11th by sending judges and attorneys to Los Angeles area high school classrooms to lead interactive discussions on the meaning of freedom and how we can balance freedom and security.
This annual program is sponsored by Los Angeles County Bar Association in cooperation with the Los Angeles Unified School District and Los Angeles Superior Court.