The CTE Online program, through the Butte County Office of Education, will be partnering with local and state agencies to support the 2010-2011 CTE Online Model Curriculum Development Institutes.
Download The Flyer here
Stipend: $1,000 will be provided to those teachers completing and submitting 4 model lessons, with all supporting instructional materials, student work samples, and assessments.
Expenses: Meals and travel costs will be covered by CTE Online/BCOE
Meals: Continental Breakfast and Lunch provided each day of the institute
Release Time: Funds to reimburse participant's schools/districts for two days of release time are available.
To apply, go to and Select Training
Selected candidates will join us for two days of guided curriculum development using in order to create highly-engaging, creative, rigorous, lesson plans to publish as statewide models of effective, standards-aligned CTE instruction.