1. Congratulations to all teachers for a successful 2009 completion, WE MADE IT!
2. Attendance for our January 2010 meeting was among the best! In attendance: Lakkis, Centeno, Castro, Munoz, Sosa, Cowles, Lewyn, Bustos, Depew, Camacho, Phelps, Sy, Song, Dontsova, Franck, Galang, Ballon, Twomey, Emerick, Ayson, Correia, & Valdez. All those not in attendance need to bring a signed excuse next meeting!
3. Agenda items for our meeting: a) Fall Recognition Awards b) Perkins Grant c) CPA Feb Conference in Orange, CA d) Spring Semester's Tardy Policy. Most of the discussion was centered around our new tardy policy to go into effect Feb 9. Ms. Perez, Ms. Ayala, and Mr. Valdez facilitated our round table discussion. I had to leave for our bi-weekly ACE meeting.
4. Great news crew, we’ve been approved for the Cal Perkins Grant. The monies (about 82K) will go towards our long awaited state of the art Engineering Lab. The lab will have brand new computers with tables and CAD software, new drafting tables, printers, plotter, and all necessary support supplies. The lab will be under the supervision of Mr. Sy who will teach Computer Aided Drafting. Monies will also go towards the purchase of a Green Construction program which will be taught by Mr. Depew either in the 9th or 10th grade. I would like to thank the Advisory Committee-principally Sy, Depew, and Camacho for meeting after school with me and Ms. Peoples and providing feedback to bring the grant together. THANK YOU!
5. Our two grants thus far (California Partnership Academy and Perkins) will allow SAGE to build a Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway. It looks like this: Green Construction (9th, Depew), Introduction to Engineering (10th, Depew), Computer Aided Drafting (11th, Sy), and Electric Car Project (12th, Camacho). All teachers will be encouraged to vertically teach to our pathway to motivate learning, build capacity, and form an academy identity. The “how we do it” and “what we teach” components are in the works and will make up a large part of the Common Planning sessions/PDs the Spring semester.
6. Our Activities Committee did a tremendous job last year! Fun and games included: 2 Blood Drives, Bowling Night, Thanksgiving at Hollywood Recreation Center, Club 350 Ice Cream Social, Christmas Toy Drive, and Ice Skating. We will end our Fall semester with Shakey’s Night next month, soon to be announced. All events are organized by the SAGE Club and the Activities Committee. Officers include: Brittany Usher (President), Juan Romero (VP), Yadira Hernandez (Treasurer), Jennifer Figueroa (Sec), Jocelyn Gomez (Publicity), Celene Ayala (Historian). Sponsor: Mr. Sosa.
7. Teachers, get ready for the Fall Recognition Awards. This event will be put together by the Recognition Committee. I will assist with sending out the forms to teachers for selection of students and provide certificates. Monday, Feb. 1 will be designated SAGE Student Recognition Day.
Until next time, keep on greening!
2. Attendance for our January 2010 meeting was among the best! In attendance: Lakkis, Centeno, Castro, Munoz, Sosa, Cowles, Lewyn, Bustos, Depew, Camacho, Phelps, Sy, Song, Dontsova, Franck, Galang, Ballon, Twomey, Emerick, Ayson, Correia, & Valdez. All those not in attendance need to bring a signed excuse next meeting!
3. Agenda items for our meeting: a) Fall Recognition Awards b) Perkins Grant c) CPA Feb Conference in Orange, CA d) Spring Semester's Tardy Policy. Most of the discussion was centered around our new tardy policy to go into effect Feb 9. Ms. Perez, Ms. Ayala, and Mr. Valdez facilitated our round table discussion. I had to leave for our bi-weekly ACE meeting.
4. Great news crew, we’ve been approved for the Cal Perkins Grant. The monies (about 82K) will go towards our long awaited state of the art Engineering Lab. The lab will have brand new computers with tables and CAD software, new drafting tables, printers, plotter, and all necessary support supplies. The lab will be under the supervision of Mr. Sy who will teach Computer Aided Drafting. Monies will also go towards the purchase of a Green Construction program which will be taught by Mr. Depew either in the 9th or 10th grade. I would like to thank the Advisory Committee-principally Sy, Depew, and Camacho for meeting after school with me and Ms. Peoples and providing feedback to bring the grant together. THANK YOU!
5. Our two grants thus far (California Partnership Academy and Perkins) will allow SAGE to build a Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway. It looks like this: Green Construction (9th, Depew), Introduction to Engineering (10th, Depew), Computer Aided Drafting (11th, Sy), and Electric Car Project (12th, Camacho). All teachers will be encouraged to vertically teach to our pathway to motivate learning, build capacity, and form an academy identity. The “how we do it” and “what we teach” components are in the works and will make up a large part of the Common Planning sessions/PDs the Spring semester.
6. Our Activities Committee did a tremendous job last year! Fun and games included: 2 Blood Drives, Bowling Night, Thanksgiving at Hollywood Recreation Center, Club 350 Ice Cream Social, Christmas Toy Drive, and Ice Skating. We will end our Fall semester with Shakey’s Night next month, soon to be announced. All events are organized by the SAGE Club and the Activities Committee. Officers include: Brittany Usher (President), Juan Romero (VP), Yadira Hernandez (Treasurer), Jennifer Figueroa (Sec), Jocelyn Gomez (Publicity), Celene Ayala (Historian). Sponsor: Mr. Sosa.
7. Teachers, get ready for the Fall Recognition Awards. This event will be put together by the Recognition Committee. I will assist with sending out the forms to teachers for selection of students and provide certificates. Monday, Feb. 1 will be designated SAGE Student Recognition Day.
Until next time, keep on greening!